Bo Berndtsson, Dario Cordero-Erausquin, Bo’Az Klartag et al Journal of the European Mathematical Society. Vol. 22 (2), p. 477-505


B. Berndtsson, D. Cordero-Erausquin and Y. Rubinstein. A workshop on In fact, this amounts to the observation (related to Lempert '85) that the fiberwise 

74. konst se recensioner av Åsa Berntsson i SDS 9/3 och. 17 /3 samt polemik 81 Lempert, Gösta, "Kulturen drivs som en exportarti- kel." - (Musikern. 1982:4, s  av M Åhman · 2012 · Citerat av 4 — forces owners to close them down (Lempert et al 2002). The notion that applications as well for low temperatures (below 130 oC) (Wallin and Berntsson 1994).

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Aftonsången 6 25476 ALLERUM. 072-193 35 58  Lempert. 1975 Malmö LK. 2017-02-11 Malmö. AS2. 61.86. 45. 55 100. Marie Berntsson.

Laszlo Lempert (Purdue): Complex analysis in infinite dimensions.. Abstract: I will start Bo Berndtsson (Chalmers): Asymptotics of Bergman kernels. Abstract:

Anders Berntsson @andersgustavberntsson. kathytorsson Caroline Lempert @floraandthebunnies · Lavendla Begravningsbyrå Koculak M, Konishi M, Koss C, Kvam PD, Kwok SC, Lebreton M, Lempert KM, Egerstedt A, Berntsson J, Smith ML, Gidlof O, Nilsson R, Benson M, Wells QS,  oxo-tetrahydropyran-3- karboxylsyra-hydroklorid.

L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables: Towards the Oka-Cartan Theory with Precise Bounds: Ohsawa, Takeo:

Berndtsson lempert

Soc. Japan 68 (2016), pp. ひょんなことから,昨年,BerndtssonとLempertはこの種の半正値性から,L2 正則関数の拡張に関する最良の結果が導けることを示した.この快挙にまつわる   Författare: Bo Berndtsson; L. Lempert. Publiceringsår: 2016. Publicerat i: Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. Publikationstyp: Artikel i  2016. A proof of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi theorem with sharp estimates. Bo Berndtsson, L. Lempert.

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Special emphasis is put on the new precise results on the L² extension of holomorphic functions in the past 5 years.
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Berndtsson lempert

Most of these results are obtained by the L2 On the other hand, Berndtsson and Lempert [5] show that Theorem 1.3 with optimal estimate in the case of pseudoconvex domains can be deduced from Berndtsson's result on positivity of direct image Bo Berndtsson; list of publications. REFERENCES [1] Zeros of analytic functions of several variables. Ark Mat 16 (1978) [2] A note on Pavlov-Korevaar-Dixon interpolation. Nederl Akad Wetensch Proc , 81 (1978) [3] Integral kernels and approximation on totally real submanifolds of Cn. Math Ann 243 (1979) 2017-06-27 · Submission history From: Genki Hosono [] Tue, 27 Jun 2017 08:41:48 GMT (12kb) [v2] Thu, 9 Aug 2018 11:25:31 GMT (13kb) 2017-12-11 · Complex Legendre duality is a generalization of Legendre transformation from Euclidean spaces to Kähler manifolds that Berndtsson, Cordero-Erausquin, Klartag, and Rubinstein have recently constructed.

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DOI: 10.2969/JMSJ/06841461 Corpus ID: 119632817. A proof of the Ohsawa–Takegoshi theorem with sharp estimates @article{Berndtsson2014APO, title={A proof of the Ohsawa–Takegoshi theorem with sharp estimates}, author={Bo Berndtsson and L'aszl'o Lempert}, journal={Journal of The Mathematical Society of Japan}, year={2014}, volume={68}, pages={1461-1472} }

[2] Berndtsson, B. Prekopa’s theorem and Kiselman’s minimum principle for plurisubharmonic functions, Math. Ann., Tome 312 (1998) no. 4, pp. 785-792 [3] Berndtsson, B. Subharmonicity properties of the Bergman kernel and some other functions associated to pseudoconvex domains , Ann. Inst. Fourier , Tome 56 (2006) no.